Powerhouse Barbell Club

Olympic weightlifting and sport specific strength training.
Where the best come to train.

About Maverick Ohle

  • 2x time national weightlifting champion . 
  • Lifting for 10 years and been coaching for 2. 
  • Competed on the national youth level for football and the varsity high school level. 
  • Coached by and son of National champion weightlifter and D1 football player, John Ohle.

Our goal

Nothing beats the basics. We want to teach people the right way to lift efficiently  and effectively along with getting athletes to perform the way they want.

The gym

  • IWF certified bumpers and bars with brands such as ROUGE, Eleiko and Werksan.
  • 6 platforms with racks, all dedicated to making you the best athlete or lifter possible.